Thursday, October 17, 2024

Review: The End of Race Politics: Arguments for a Colorblind America

The End of Race Politics: Arguments for a Colorblind AmericaThe End of Race Politics: Arguments for a Colorblind America by Coleman Hughes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

As a follower of Hughes work, there was not a lot new here but it was great to have it laid out and presented in one spot with an integrated throughline. In this short volume, Hughes presents the history of the civil rights movement and its colorblind (race-neutral) approach. He then shows how the new so-called anti-racist thinkers are actually quite racist; dubbing them neoracists. These are the likes of Kendi, DiAngelo, Hannah-Jones, and Coates. They peddle ideas about race that are wrong, not rooted in reality or data, and harmful to the goals of more equality. He shows how inconsistent and contrary their ideas are to the civil rights movement, and Dr. King in particular. Hughes also discusses better, more effective ways to think about race, and how to work towards more equality.

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Review: The Dead Sister

The Dead Sister (Adam Lapid Mysteries, #2)The Dead Sister by Jonathan Dunsky
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This fast-paced, action-packed hard-boiled detective novel is set in Israel in 1949. Lapid is hired to solve the murder of a young Arab woman not too long after the end of Israel's war of independence. This provides for some interesting drama. Lapid is a classic hard-boiled detective. He has strict code and sense of justice; though it is not always aligned with the conventional sense of morality and justice. Though there are strong forces lined up against him, Lapid won't back down from seeing that justice is done. Highly recommended!

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Friday, October 11, 2024

Review: Masterpieces: The Best Science Fiction of the Twentieth Century

Masterpieces: The Best Science Fiction of the Twentieth CenturyMasterpieces: The Best Science Fiction of the Twentieth Century by Orson Scott Card
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A great collection; it covers a wider variety of the history and breadth of styles of 2oth century science fiction. I enjoyed nearly all the stories; some were excellent. I would have liked a bit more context for the stories themselves -- at least some sense of why Card chose these particular stories. Was it just that the story tickled him? Was it influential? Did it have some impact on the field or the author? Card provides a short bio of the author, but I would have liked more on the story itself and the why of its inclusion.

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Review: Robert B. Parker's Blind Spot

Robert B. Parker's Blind Spot (Jesse Stone, #13)Robert B. Parker's Blind Spot by Reed Farrel Coleman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Coleman brings a bit of the hard-boiled style to Parker's Stone. The writing style and depth is better than Brandman's and Coleman definitely brings his own interpretation to the characters. Brandman was doing an imitation, a cover of the classics if you will. Coleman is more taking Parker's creation and doing an interpretation. He's not trying to imitate Parker or produce something that might fool someone into thinking it was Parker. Instead he's keep the themes and core melody, but adding elements that are more his own. Some people obviously don't like that; but I think it works. There are elements that are not quite right -- the main one being Stone's heavier drinking. I don't have a problem with Stone drinking more again, but I think Coleman might have provided some context for that and built towards. And while Coleman's Stone is not as witty nor does the dialogue have quite the same pop as Parker (who's could?!); Coleman does a good job of getting the essence of it right.

The story itself is more interesting and compelling than Brandman's novellas. This twice as long as Brandman's and so the story has time to develop and reach a conclusion. I like the fleshing out of some Stone's baseball background and how that ties into the present. That feels like a nice connection to Parker's writing as well.

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Sunday, October 06, 2024

Review: Robert B. Parker's Damned If You Do: A Jesse Stone Novel

Robert B. Parker's Damned If You Do: A Jesse Stone NovelRobert B. Parker's Damned If You Do: A Jesse Stone Novel by Michael Brandman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Of the three Brandman Jesse Stone novels, I think this one was the best. It still had several of the flaws that the first two had, but I think Brandman was starting to get more of a feel for it. There were more Parker-esque type characters, set ups, and resolutions. There were a few things that were off, but the story was also tighter than the previous two.

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Review: Robert B. Parker's Fool Me Twice

Robert B. Parker's Fool Me Twice (Jesse Stone, #11)Robert B. Parker's Fool Me Twice by Michael Brandman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Like the first Brandman Stone novel, this has the feel of the Jesse Stone tv show. The Jesse Stone character is well sketched, but we don't get as much of the inner life of the character. The supporting cast like Molly and Suits are fun but thin. The resolution of the plot lines is rather quickly, without much fuss, and unsatisfying in its obviousness. Nevertheless, I do enjoy being in the world Parker created and left us.

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Saturday, October 05, 2024

Review: End Game

End Game (Will Robie, #5)End Game by David Baldacci
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Exciting and fast paced, Baldacci delivers. Robie and Reel team up and solve Blue Man's disappearance. As usual, they leave a lot of bad guy bodies in their wake.

Reading performance is top notched. I'm glad they have two narrators; it helps to distinguish the characters.

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Friday, October 04, 2024

Review: The October 7 War: Israel's Battle for Security in Gaza

The October 7 War: Israel's Battle for Security in GazaThe October 7 War: Israel's Battle for Security in Gaza by Seth J. Frantzman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

An important book insofar as it provides an important journalistic record of the first six months or so of the October 7 war. Frantzman condenses his interviews with many IDF soldiers, former hostages, and Israelis that survived that October 7 attack. These accounts are important to have on record.

Being published as quickly as it was, there are bound to be errors: both of fact and of grammar. The writing itself at times was a bit a staccato, sometimes repetitive, and the timeline wasn't always as clear as I would have liked. I think these were largely signs of the book being rushed to be published.

One of the things I most interesting in the book were the accounts of the new technologies and fighting tactics enabled by the former. Over the 6 months of fighting in Gaza, the IDF learned on the go to fight in new ways and with new technology. Frantzman does a good job of describing this.

The bigger picture analysis was probably the weakest part. That wasn't really the point of the book and in many ways it was too early in the process to get too much into that.

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Monday, September 30, 2024

Review: The Eye of Darkness

The Eye of DarknessThe Eye of Darkness by George Mann
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I don't know why, but the High Republic era is just not doing it for me. I don't hate it or anything, but as I've written in nearly every review of a HRE book, I find it hard to connect. The characters feel a bit wooden, cut outs. Maybe it's just the different authors for all these books, it's hard to get a consistent voice. There isn't a lot of character development by the Jedi. Some of the side characters are often the most interesting. A lot happens, but so little actually advances.

I'm a little concerned that the conflict with the Nihil is becoming too big and too protracted. There is a tough balance in making the Nihil a threat without turning this into a major, all out war (which would seem to run against canon).

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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Review: Troubled Blood

Troubled Blood (Cormoran Strike, #5)Troubled Blood by Robert Galbraith
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This might be the best mystery of the series so far. I really had no clue until the reveal; there were many threads to follow, lots of red herrings covering the clues that in retrospect were right there! The narration is perfect; it really helps set the tone and mood, and helps with the characterization as well. Just like with Harry Potter, Rowling is so good at portraying fascinating characters.

Strike and Robin's relationship continues to deepen and grow. This is intriguing but I also worry how about Rowling is going to handle this as the series goes.

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Friday, August 23, 2024

Review: Central Station

Central StationCentral Station by Lavie Tidhar
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a really interesting, and different, book. There is not much plot, it's more a patchwork of interwoven characters and little vignettes. But the characters and setting are so imaginative, so bizarre, and sometimes weird. It combines elements from many different genres, particularly fantasy and sci-fi, and has several callbacks to classic sci-fi.

I would have preferred a plot, a focus or problem that gets resolved by the characters through their choices. But this was still enjoyable because Tidhar crafts such creative settings and plays with the unfolding of future history in fascinating ways. (I was sometimes more curious about the past that is alluded to in the book, than the book!)

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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Review: Rise and Kill First: The Inside Story and Secret Operations of Israel's Assassination Program

Rise and Kill First: The Inside Story and Secret Operations of Israel's Assassination ProgramRise and Kill First: The Inside Story and Secret Operations of Israel's Assassination Program by Ronen Bergman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is an amazing work. It is detailed and specific (where it has to be and where it can be). It covers a wide breadth of Israeli history, starting in the pre-state period and runs up through Obama presidency. At times it reads like a Gabriel Allon novel: the level of detail and narrative for some of the operations is incredible: exciting, scary, thrilling.

It is, in part, a history of Israel: a history through the lens of fighting for survival and trying to get the upper hand in its wars through covert operations. But through this lens Bergman shines a light on many facets of Israel society beyond the Mossad or other Israeli covert agencies.

But it also humbling and a difficult to process work, for a Zionist like myself. I hold no illusions of Israel's perfection: moral or technical, but it is still a challenge to look at some of those failings squarely. There were many mistakes, errors: killing the wrong person, failing to kill the 'correct' person (missed opportunities to have taken out consequential targets), killing of innocents (so-called collateral damage). There were so many points when one has to stop and wonder how history might have been different if this particular event in time had turned out differently.

The two main questions Bergman wants the read to struggle with is: Were these targeted killings effective? Were they are justified? The answer, it seems to me after reading this book, is very mixed. Some operations were both, some where justified, but failed to achieved either strategic or tactical goals; and others were not justified. Some of these latter might have been mistakes about identity, but sometimes they were from overzealousness, overconfidence, or complacency.

In the end, Bergman's answer seems to be that while Israel's killing operations where quite often tactical successes, the long-term strategic consequences have been and are ambiguous at best, but in some cases worse. Worse, not so much because of the assassination itself, but either from unintended consequences due to the assassination or from the overreliance on this tool instead of other strategies. Personally, I am not sure. Trying to figure how things might have gone, the counterfactual, can be a fool's errand: we just can't know how things would have turned it out, so it is hard to compare scenarios. But the morality of such killing is troubling to me -- though better one or two operatives than tens of thousands of conscripts on a battlefield. And many of those killed deserved what they had coming to them, but I am not sure that justifies it. I'd rather live in world where diplomacy solved everything. But we don't. We live in world where there are evil people trying to do evil things and sometimes the only thing to do is to kill such people. But that's a dangerous and perilous road.

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Thursday, August 15, 2024

Review: Nine Dragons

Nine Dragons (Harry Bosch, #14; Harry Bosch Universe, #21)Nine Dragons by Michael Connelly
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A lot of classic Bosch here, with some twists. Unlike most Bosch novels, a good chunk takes place outside of LA. This is also the first of the Bosch novels to bring in Bosch's daughter, Maddie, in a substantial way and we begin to see the important role she will play in his life and the books going forward. It opens up a very different side of Bosch. Even though he's had partners and love interests, he's really a lone operator. But Maddie is going to force Bosch to have to adapt. It'll be interesting to see the similarities and dissimilarities between the tv show relationship and the book relationship.

Overall the story in this was action packed, the mystery took several different turns. Some of it a bit far-fetched, but kept you guessing.

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Thursday, August 08, 2024

Review: Not in the Heavens: The Tradition of Jewish Secular Thought

Not in the Heavens: The Tradition of Jewish Secular ThoughtNot in the Heavens: The Tradition of Jewish Secular Thought by David Biale
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

David Biale’s survey of Jewish secular thought is fascinating. It is wide-ranging, covering from the premodern periods into the medieval and modern eras and up through twentieth century thinkers. While Biale does bring in the various precursor traditions, most of the book, understandably, focuses on ways in which the Jewish thinkers dealt with, wrestled with, and tried to reconcile the various movements of modernity: rationalism, mysticism, nationalism, and so on. There is a way to read this book as a history of European modernity from the Jewish perspective(s). As such, much of it centers around Spinoza: his specific contributions to what becomes secular thought and also how later thinkers take and use Spinoza’s ideas for their own secularism.

The book looks at idea from philosophy, language, culture, or nationalism; and explores how Jewish thinkers responded to, innovated in, and rejected aspects of these on their paths to and through secularism. One of the themes, though not explicitly so, is that much of Jewish thought is focused on what it means be to be Jewish and to be a Jew. This takes on heightened importance in secular thought where one cannot merely point to religion, but even the religious traditions in Judaism struggle with this issue -- as evidenced in the Talmud itself. There are so many ways to be Jewish, even religiously, that this question is inescapable. And importantly, it provides the space within which secularism is born and grows.

Biale highlights key thinkers and how they deal with these issues. Some of these are more obscure, others are well known (figures such as Freud, Einstein, and Ben-Gurion). The intellectual tradition is rich and fruitful (though there are many dead ends as well). It is not a long book, though at times dense. By necessity, much is left out in order to provide the focus it needs. There are extensive notes and references for those wishing to use this as a jumping off point. I profited much from book and think it will provide a framework for future thought.

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Monday, August 05, 2024

Review: Leviathan Falls

Leviathan Falls (The Expanse, 9)Leviathan Falls by James S.A. Corey
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Coming to the end of a book or book series that one loves is always bittersweet. It’s thrilling to see the story completed; to experience the totality of the work. But it’s sad to know it’s over: that one has to say good bye to the characters and to the world they inhabit. The Expanse series is just such an experience. The authors created indelible characters and set them in a fascinating universe. It never got dull or predictable; it balanced the small intimate moments and the cosmic level struggles. I appreciate how the characters (or at least some of them!) struggle with the ethical dilemmas and choices they face: there is a deep respect and open-eyed love for humanity in these books.

I wasn’t sure how the authors would land this plane: though I suspected something like the way it did as the only way. Nevertheless, the particulars were well-executed and helped to tie the whole series together. It is sad and tragic but also filled with hope.

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Review: Star Wars: The High Republic: Path of Vengeance

Star Wars: The High Republic: Path of VengeanceStar Wars: The High Republic: Path of Vengeance by Cavan Scott
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I have to admit, I got a bit confused/lost at times. Partly this is because this overlaps somewhat with Cataclysm, but I didn't realize that at first so there were a few times where I was like, wait, didn't this already happen? I was a little disappointed in Marda's development: she seemed to shift around a bit in what she was doing and why. The romantic angles were at times awkward. There were some interesting twists though and I think this likely helps set up some later events in the HR era. I think the variety of Jedi in Phase 2 is helpful. The Skywalker era tends to have just one kind: the warrior-monk (or fallen), so seeing the diversity of ways the Jedi existed when they were at the height provides more context. In all, I enjoyed it, though it is not the best of Phase 2.

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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Review: A Man of Iron: The Turbulent Life and Improbable Presidency of Grover Cleveland

A Man of Iron: The Turbulent Life and Improbable Presidency of Grover ClevelandA Man of Iron: The Turbulent Life and Improbable Presidency of Grover Cleveland by Troy Senik
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a fantastic biography of one of our more important presidents. Biographies can be tricky: finding the right balance between presenting the historical context and crafting a narrative about the subjects life is hard. The former can get dry and give the biography the feel of one damn thing after another; while the latter can fall into hagiography or squeeze everything into a overriding narrative that inevitable will ring false. Senik avoids both of these. He provides sufficient historical context without it becoming a history textbook and he gets the right balance of the narrative of Cleveland's life so that we get a real sense of the man and his character.

Some of the historical details can get a bit technical or detailed: in particular with the silver issue. Nevertheless, we get a good sense of where Cleveland stood on the issues and why.

It's unfortunate that President Cleveland, and his era, are not better known. It bears many similarities to own age, and our politicians could learn a lot from Cleveland's principled stands. Cleveland's presidency (or presidencies given his two non-consecutive terms) seem to be a pivot point for American history. The Civil War and it's issues were fading from the stage: though the consequences were of course not. (The financial issues Cleveland had to deal where likely long term consequences of paying for the war. But more significantly, the transition out of slavery and the racial issues and how to deal with them where front and center.) America was shifting how it saw itself: learning how to dealing with near international crisis: Hawaii, Cuba, Venezuela being major ones. Still a young nation, it was gaining confidence and growing in power. Cleveland was more a voice of restraint, leaning on his classical liberal principles to avoid conflict and encourage self-governance. He was less successful than he would have hoped here. He was more successful in battling the financial crises that arose from bimetal monetary policies. Pushing back against the inflationary effects silver coinage, he pushed for a sounder gold standard policy. This was unpopular in his party, but ultimately seems to have won out (until WW2).

Cleveland's classical liberalism and the importance he put on character and guiding moral principles is admirable. He is not without fault. His views on women's suffrage and race would not be popular today: though I don't think it would be fair to say he was a chauvinist or a racist. He was a man of his time, and in many ways he was ahead of his time on some of these issues.

Cleveland was respected as a man of solid principles. His steadfastness may have cost him elections but Cleveland seemed to have no (or at least few) regrets on that front. The principles were more important. And that alone makes worth remembering.

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Thursday, July 18, 2024

Review: A Death in Cornwall

A Death in Cornwall (Gabriel Allon, 24)A Death in Cornwall by Daniel Silva
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Silva returns to Allon's roots in Cornwall with his latest installment. There is art restoration, art theft, political intrigue, and complex, serpentine financial arrangements at the heart of this thriller. Allon travels include England, France, Geneva, Corsica, and Monaco. My only disappointment in the book is that it doesn't involve Israel at all. The only Jewish connection is through one of the paintings. That aside, it is always fun to return to Silva's usual wit and great story-telling.

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