The latest issue of Reason Papers, edited by Carrie-Ann Biondi and me, is now available online.
Vol. 38, no. 1; Spring 2016
Full issue in pdf
Symposium: Philosophy of Play
Gadamer, Dewey, and the Importance of Play in Philosophical Inquiry — Christopher C. Kirby and Brolin Graham
Child-Centered Play Therapy —William Schultz
Reflections on the Presence of Play in University Arts and Athletics —Aaron Harper
The Reconstructive and Normative Aspects of Bernard Suits’s Utopia —Francisco Javier Lopez Frias
Minimal State Taoism —William Irwin
Liberalism: The Fifteen Strongest Challenges —Stephen R. C. Hicks
Selling Genocide I: The Earlier Films —Gary James Jason
Review Essays
Review Essay: Lin-Manuel Miranda and Jeremy McCarter’s Hamilton: The Revolution —Robert Begley
Review Essay: Whence Did German Propaganda Films Derive Their Power: Ian Garden’s The Third Reich’s Celluloid War—Gary James Jason
Book Review
Tara Smith’s Judicial Review in an Objective Legal System —Carrie-Ann Biondi
The Creator: Male and Female: Russell’s Joy and Chandor’s A Most Violent Year —Timothy Sandefur