My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This is rich and profound work of philosophy. Roochnik in just over 200 pages is able to explain and defend Aristotle in a modern context. From the title, I expected more of a direct analysis of how Aristotle's ideas might be used as a way to help navigate and even cure our 'Age of Crisis,' The book, however, is far more an explication and articulation of Aristotle's entire philosophic system. Obviously Roochnik does not got into great detail or dive into every puzzle and paradox of Aristotelian thought. But he is able to present the system, the world-view of Aristotle, from his metaphysics to his ethics to his politics. In this way it is immensely helpful and important. And further, it is this analysis of the Aristotelian world-view that Roochnik does, usually indirectly, use as a way of navigating our current age.
Roochnik also provides a defense, at times a limited and circumspect defense, of Aristotle's philosophical arguments and claims against modern critiques. By casting Aristotle's thought as fundamentally about 'saving the phenomena," Roochnik is able to show that some of these critiques miss the point or fail to hit their mark because they don't actually see what Aristotle is doing. Aristotle stars with the human experience of the human world and moves out from there to explain and understand, never losing that foundation or context.
I found the book fascinating, a joy (but challenge) to read, and insightful. Much like his Beautiful City: The Dialectical Character of Plato's "Republic", I found it illuminating and helpful for my teaching and my own understand of these great thinkers.
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